Friday, June 16, 2006


Some days ok, some days bad, some terrible, but it's the numb days that are very strange to deal with. It's almost like you are living outside your own body looking in. It really is a strange situation and that is how I am feeling today.

Today is my birthday and I don't feel at all like celebrating, why would I, our little boy didn't get the opportunity to celebrate any at all. It's days like today that I tend to miss him even more, he is all that my wife and I have ever wanted and such trivial things as a birthday present pale into insignificance. I have been lucky today because most of my close friends remembered it was my birthday and by them just saying happy birthday means a lot to me. Small things such as these are the things that I really appreciate nowadays.

My birthday wish is that our little boy Luke is watching over his Mum and Dad and that he is enjoying his life without any pain up in heaven with his grandad and his great grandparents.

"There is not an hour in the day that goes past bubby that I dont think of you. You are my most special little boy and nothing will ever change that because I love you more than you will ever know."
Love Daddy xxxxxxxxxxx