Friday, May 05, 2006

Drifting & Treading Water

The title sums up how I am feeling, life seems to be going on around me and I am in my own little nightmare. People complaining about money problems, can't afford this, can't afford that, my job stinks,........all this type of stuff I use to complain about too but now it seems so minor in the greater scheme of things.
I would settle for being the poorest of the poor if we could have Bubby back healthy. I would do anything in my power to hold him again, to see his little face staring up at me.
Nothing I seem to do at the minute is right, and it just gets to the point that you think why do I even bother trying. Everything involving our loss has affected every single part of certainly puts you on edge and it is tough to constantly deal with the loss every single day.
Life is passing us by and we are watching it. IT SUX.
Hopefully things will improve gradually but at the moment I can't see that happening we just have to do the best we can.


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